The importance of physical activity in lupus

Physical activity is a powerful ally for those living with lupus, helping to improve quality of life and reducing several symptoms associated with the condition. One of the great advantages is that it can slow down muscle degeneration, which is a common concern in people with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). This can also minimize fatigue, which is so common in this context.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Exercising regularly during treatment can have a positive impact on your health in several ways. Below, I highlight some of the main benefits:

Improvement of physical capacity

Staying active is essential to maintain physical fitness and prevent loss of muscle function. This helps you perform daily activities with more energy and less discomfort.

Furthermore, physical activity can slow down muscle degeneration, consequently reducing fatigue (which is very common in SLE). Performing regular exercise during treatment indirectly influences the strengthening of the immune system, increases the concentration of red blood cells in the blood and improves physical capacity.

Strengthening the Immune System

Embora o lúpus seja uma doença autoimune, a atividade física moderada pode fortalecer o sistema imunológico de forma indireta. Esse efeito é alcançado por meio de melhorias na circulação sanguínea e na concentração de hemácias no sangue, o que aumenta a eficiência do transporte de oxigênio pelo corpo.

Mental Health Benefits

Exercise stimulates the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins, which are known to promote feelings of pleasure and well-being. This can improve self-esteem, reduce anxiety levels and significantly reduce the chances of depression a common problem among people with lupus.

While the benefits are clear, it’s important to remember that each person with lupus has a unique reality. Before starting any physical activity, talk to your doctor to find out which types of exercise are best for you. Low-impact exercises, such as walking, yoga or Pilates, are often good options, but professional guidance is essential.

Staying active is an important step in your self-care journey. Even small doses of regular physical activity can make a big difference in your physical and mental health. Take the first step and discover the benefits for your quality of life!

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